Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Austin and Calla

So for some reason it seems like I haven't put up many pictures of Austin and Calla lately so today I am catching up.  Today was beautiful!  I love this weather!

Calla drew a picture after she got here.

She loves the pink crayon!  Then she played with Gavin's St. Patrick's Day hat.

While Calla took her nap and Gavin was with his Gramma, Austin took advantage of having the house, and more importantly the toys, to himself.  He played with his little house for a while...

but then he found his brother's football and that was very cool because usually Gavin doesn't like him to touch it.

He has also discovered that Gavin's room is very interesting.  Yesterday and today I found him in there exploring.

Then Calla woke up and we went outside for about two hours (woo hoo!)!

Austin wasn't content to stay in his exersaucer very long.  It's been retired to the garage for a while so he played for a little bit but soon wanted to get down and explore.  Meanwhile, Calla colored with sidewalk chalk.

It's kind of funny to watch Austin and Calla play together because Austin doesn't know how to interact and play yet and Calla is just figuring it out.  It makes it interesting to see how they relate to each other with limited understanding and limited communication skills.

When Gavin got home, he rode his bike in the neighbor's driveway (ours isn't flat).

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