Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Break!

We have been taking full advantage of Spring Break and the beautiful warm weather we are enjoying this week!  Monday I got out some lacing cards.  I actually bought these a couple years ago but just brought them out for Gavin to use.  The great thing was he saw them sitting on his table and he sat down, got them out and started lacing without me even having to try and get him to do it!

We also went to the park on Monday!  Austin got to swing and Gavin insisted on pushing him and wouldn't let me push him at all but it worked out well because I got to take pictures.

After Gavin took his turn on the swing, both the boys played in the sandbox for a while.

When the boys were done with the sandbox we walked around the lake and came home. 

Tuesday we stayed closer to home.  Gavin played outside with the new leaf blower his grandma got him.  It's just as loud as a real leaf blower but doesn't actually blow leaves.  Of course, it is a new favorite toy because it is incredibly annoying.  I'm sure the neighbors love it too!

In that picture he is actually using the leaf blower to catch sharks.

Anyway, after I didn't hear the leaf blower for a few minutes I looked out and Gavin was writing at his picnic table.  Apparently he was writing about how fish live in both ponds and oceans. 

Gavin has been 'writing' a lot lately.  Still all jibberish but he's got the idea down.  He usually is writing me tickets so this was a nice change and much less expensive.  The mess beside him is actually the beginnings of a vegetable garden.  It will be a miracle if anything actually sprouts to be honest but on Monday Gavin had I planted cucumbers, squash and morning glories (yes I know morning glories aren't veggies!).  We were going to plant corn and carrots but the package said don't transplant so I guess we'll wait.  I had this great idea to use cardboard egg cartons to start our seeds in thinking it would be a good way to reduce and reuse and all...I cut out the bottoms for the roots but I think they aren't going to be deep enough.  Gavin is doing a great job keeping them watered either way so I hope something makes it!

Then after Austin got up from his nap we hit the trail.  I'm really trying to get Austin used to hats but he hates them.  I managed to get this picture before he took it off and started chewing on it.  Apparently he's not getting enough fiber in his diet!

This morning we headed into the wild.  Actually it's another park but it feels like the wild so Gavin loves it.  The water he's walking in was freezing!  I couldn't believe he would stay in it for so long!
We found moss, algae and pond weeds, looked at trees growing off the side of the banks, looked inside hollow trees, saw ants and water striders and had a good time.   Then we found this log with weird white growths on it.  They kind of looked like shells and were hard.  I have no idea what they are.  Anyone know?  Normally we'd ask dad but he's out of town until Friday.

That's been our Spring Break so far.  I've got to think of something to do with the boys tomorrow.  It may be grocery shopping but we'll see!

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