Saturday, March 6, 2010

A New Bike

You may not remember, but Santa brought Gavin a new bike at Christmas and he has been waiting and waiting for the day when he could go outside to ride it...well, that day came yesterday!

Before I get to that I guess I should back up a little.  In the morning, Kaitlynn and Austin played in the playroom.  And, I actually saw Austin go from laying down on his belly to sitting up.  I've gone into his room in the mornings and he's been sitting up but I haven't actually seen him do it until now. 

Then for lunch we had a picnic at Gavin's school.  Kaitlynn and Austin were awesome considering it was their nap time and Gavin enjoyed the extra playtime with his friends.

After we got home and everyone took a nap (even Gavin!) we went out on the trail behind the house.  Everyone enjoyed it!  Austin thought it was hilarious to watch his brother ride a bike.  He laughed and laughed every time Gavin rode past us!  Kaitlynn enjoyed walking past the dog park and seeing all the dogs.

One nice addition with this bike is that it has brakes!  Gavin was testing them out before we got on the trail.

He toppled over twice but he got right back on.  I told him to stick his foot down and catch himself.  This is a heavy bike so it is a little hard for him sometimes.  However, it worked great on the trail and he was able to ride over rock and mud with no problem.

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