Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Salt Water Ocean

Thursday and Friday we continued reading our ocean books.  We are almost done learning about Oceans.  Thursday we used Play Doh to make an ocean floor with volcanos and trenches and then practiced measure the 'depths' with a ruler.  We talked about how they used to use cables and weights to measure the depth and now they use echolocation - which is what whales and dolphins use to find food. 
Friday we went to a pet store that has a salt water fish tank.  It was great!  They had live coral, sea urchins, anemones, clown fish, starfish, shrimp, etc.  It was great.  Gavin drew a picture of all the neat things he saw in the tank.  While we were there a man came over who had actually scuba dived in a coral reef and he told Gavin a little bit about it.
Saturday both Kaitlynn and Calla were here and the kids had a great time playing.  We got out the tunnel for them to crawl through...

I think Calla and Kaitlynn were happy to have another girl in the house...

Gavin saw me taking pictures of the girls and insisted I take his picture too!

And a couple of random pics from yesterday.

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