Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lots of Playtime

Tuesday we read about Oceans and then Gavin worked on matching dolphins and drawing arrows to show the water cycle (he's known about the water cycle for a while so it wasn't new information for him). I did find a really cute water cycle song sung by a science teacher on YouTube I let him watch.

Then we did an experiment to see how water forges a path through the ground to form a river/lake and how that path gets wider as the water continues to flow.

 Calla played with some Play Doh.  She didn't really want to pick it up but she did enjoy poking at it!

Wednesday, the kids had a great time playing together!

I had to wake up Austin to go get his brother from preschool yesterday. This is how I found him. On the plus side, he has actually slept clear through the night for five nights in a row so I am hoping that this is the end to the mid-morning bottle!

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