Monday, March 22, 2010


Tomorrow is Gavin's Easter party at preschool.  So Gavin and I got in the kitchen yesterday and today for some baking.  I totally cheated and bought premixed cake and cookies but tomorrow is also my day to bring snacks at Bible study and Wednesday we have to bring a dessert to the Family Easter Celebration at church and I wasn't about to make four things from scratch in two days.  

We started with the Easter bunny cake yesterday.  The good thing about the premixed cake is that Gavin can put in the water and oil himself and I just have to put in eggs!  He was very careful not to spill!

Gavin is also getting really good at using the electric mixer!

Today we decorated our cake.  (Yes, Gavin's mouth is full of gumdrops in this picture!)

I think it would look better with black whiskers but it turned out cute!

Then we make bird nest cookies.  They don't really look like bird's nests, but I think they are cute anyway and they should taste good!

I put on the coconut and Gavin added the bird's eggs (jellybeans).

Another project we've been working on is a seahorse mosaic craft I found at Hobby Lobby (one of the greatest stores ever!).  It makes it really simple by putting little squares on a piece of cardboard and each square has a number 1-12.  Then they give you little foam pieces of different colors and for every 1 you use yellow, for every 2 you use pink, etc.  And, the foam pieces are sticky on the back so you don't have to mess with glue.  It's great for Gavin because he has to find the numbers and think about what color goes there.  It's also great for fine motor control because he has to get the little square foam piece onto the correct square.  And, he really enjoys it!   

I'll put up a picture of the final project when it's done.  Gavin only works on it for 10-15 minutes at a time.


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