Tuesday, March 9, 2010

More Activities

So once again, I am behind in posting! 

Saturday Austin, Calla and I spent the afternoon outside.  Austin was happy sitting on his blanket watching the other kids play and looking at his book.

Then he decided that there were other interesting things to do.

It took 10 months, but Austin is officially starting to get into everything.  He especially seems to like cords and his brother's books! 

Calla played with the basketball for a little while.

Then she discovered the tractor and was very interested in that!  It took her a few tries to figure out how to get on it, but once she did she was very proud of herself.

Gavin spent his time playing with the dogs.  He still enjoys throwing the ball and running around with them.

Calla was nice enough to help Gavin up after he fell.

Austin always loves watching his older brother running around...and if it's with the dogs its that much better!

Last week Gavin and I made a paper mache whale and he worked on getting it painted yesterday and today.

This picture was from yesterday.  Before he started painting we read about beaches and seashells.  We looked at some shells we had and Gavin sorted them into groups so that the each shell was with shells that were the same.  Then we looked in our book and determined what animal each shell belonged to.

Gavin has been playing with the shells, his fisherman and fish and their boats ever since!

Today he finished painting his whale and tomorrow we will add his (or hers I guess) eyes and tail.  Calla also got in on the paint action today and she loved it!  She was upset when I told her it was time to put it away because she was having so much fun!

She was super excited when the pink paint came out and made sure no one would take it from her as you can see by that last picture (I only get out two or three colors at a time)! 

Today Gavin and I read some more about beaches and we read about tide pools and watched some videos on YouTube about tide pools and the things that live in them.  It was very interesting.  Then Gavin played with his shells and fisherman again.  On a side note, Gavin is doing great on his bike.  Yesterday I pushed Austin and Calla in the stroller while Gavin rode his bike on the trail and we went about a mile.  He is starting to get the 'feel' of the bike and learning to watch the trail to stay out of ruts and holes.

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