Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Whale Completed

After spending a day doing the paper mache part then two days painting his whale, Gavin glued on the eyes and tail this afternoon and the whale has been completed!

It's much cuter than it looks in this picture.  I think it turned out nicely and I also liked that it took several days to complete.  Usually I pick things that he can get done in 10-15 minutes but I think it was good to have an ongoing project for him to work on.  He is very proud of his whale!

He also did a worksheet where he had to count different ocean animals and write the number by their picture.

Then we started an experiment with celery stalks.  We filled two glasses with water.  (I had Gavin draw his observations.)
Then Gavin added salt to one of the glasses and stirred it around.

We put in a little red food coloring and then added our celery stalks.  We will see what happens tomorrow!

Isn't that tie-dying polo shirt the cutest!  I keep saying "groovy dude" every time he walks by.  He thinks it's hilarious.  I appreciate that he thinks I'm funny.  Ten years from now he'll just roll his eyes at me.

Also, I found out yesterday that Disney is coming out with a new documentary, a sort of sequel to last year's Earth, called Oceans.  It's coming out Earth Day weekend.  I thought about taking Gavin to see Earth last year but it had a scene with a polor bear starving to death and had something about to eat something else but then the camera cut away.  I wasn't sure if Gavin would get upset by it or not so I didn't take him.  I think he might be old enough for Oceans this year.  We'll see what the reviews say when it comes out, but I think I may take Gavin for his first movie theater experience!  So it works out that we are studying oceans right now!  Yay!

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