Friday, May 13, 2011

Day with Austin

This morning Gavin left to spend the day with Gramma so today Austin and I got to spend some quality time together.  The first thing we did was get out his new finger paints and paper he got for his birthday.  He had a great time painting.  He used a paintbrush instead of his fingers though.

Then we got out a few toys I had set aside until fall.  I have a bin of toys that are only going to come out while I am working with Gavin for kindergarten so hopefully Austin won't get tired of them for a while since they are special 'school' toys.  Anyway, one is the pegboard, which he thoroughly enjoys.

Figuring out you can stack them was very exciting!

Then we got out the bird color matching game.  He saw it in the bin and immediately wanted me to get it out for him.

Then we got out something new, stringing beads.  I thought they might be too hard for him but he did a great job and really got into it!  He was able to get the string into the hole in the bead but he did need help pushing it through the hole so he could grab the string from the other side.  He worked on it very diligently for quite a while.

In the end he had quite the string of beads to proudly show off!

And here is his masterpiece all dried and ready to show off!

Last night it rained and when the rain stopped the sky turned this beautiful bright orange.  It was really pretty.

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