Saturday, May 21, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Gavin has officially graduated from preschool!  He looked so cute in his cap and gown and the weather cooperated and not only did it not rain was beautiful outside. Here are some pictures!

Gavin in his cap and gown!
Very studious!

The family photo...

Getting ready to walk the 'stage'.

And here he goes!

He took his walking very seriously.  They've been practicing the last few weeks at school.

There's always lots of waiting at these sorts of things.

Here he is after getting his diploma.  Of course he waited until after I took his picture before giving a big grin!

But I finally got a smile!  (I had to poke him in the belly a few times but whatever!)

Gavin had a soccer game right after the picnic and then we came home and got out the water table.  You will notice that even though they are playing in the water table, they are still playing with the knights in the water table.  Always with the knights...

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