Monday, May 30, 2011


It's been a while since I've posted but I will try and catch everyone up.  Gavin is officially out of preschool!  Last week was his last week and it was a very busy one.  He had a water play day and a day he got to ride his bike around with his friends.  The ice cream truck even stopped by to celebrate!  Gavin made a book for his teacher that had a picture and sentence for all the things he enjoyed doing with her this year and we made oatmeal raison cookies for both his teacher and the intern who is in his class.

Gavin had some time to play with his knights (as always).  He's been setting up some fairly elaborate battles lately.  Here he had a battle between his Schleich knights and his Playmobil knights.

Austin enjoys the knights too!

I don't think we really posted anything about Mother's Day but I got a reorganized pantry!  We have a nice big pantry but the shelves where 24 inches deep so everything got shoved to the back and lost.  I've been asking for shelves that would be less deep and stretch around the sides in a 'L' shape and Steven built it for Mother's Day.  He did a great job and it works perfectly!  This weekend I got the change to paint it so now it is officially done!  Here are the pictures.  No more lost food here!

We have enjoyed Memorial Day!  Yesterday we went to the local air show and watched the airplanes.  This was the first year we took Austin and I wasn't sure how he would do with all the noise but he did really well and seemed to like watching the planes.  When we got home Dad grilled outside.

This morning we went to the Memorial Day parade and then we took naps and then we went to friends house for some pool and sprinkler fun (and more grilling!).  Dad and Gavin even got a little fishing in since they have a lake behind their house.

I'm not sure what this move was about.

We've still been reading.  We read about cicadas in our Christian Liberty Nature Reader since they have started making their appearance this week.  We also read about prairie animals. 
We are also reading two books that have short stories in them.  We read The Elephant Child by Rudyard Kipling and a Billy and Blaze story.  At night we are still reading Lightfoot.

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