Monday, May 16, 2011

More Knights, Birds and Garden

Here are a few more pictures from the Knight for Hire event.  After the program, he was nice enough to show Gavin his weapons.  He even let Gavin hold his battle ax (Gavin's favorite).
Then the knight cut up a watermelon with his sword for us to eat (the watermelon, not the sword).

We put up our birdfeeders finally.  Our chickadee family found it within about two minutes but we have also had a robin, cardinals and a male and female cowbird (Gavin wasn't sure about allowing the cowbirds to eat at our feeder but I wouldn't let him chase them away).  We put them on the deck so we can watch the birds while we eat.

Today we got the first produce from our garden...two yummy strawberries!

Okay, there was a little slug trying to eat it too.  Who can blame him really?

It didn't stop us from sampling.

Everyone agreed they were yummy!

We didn't get to read Charlotte's Web from us today but we did finish Danny Meadow Mouse.

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