Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dairy Farm

Today we took another outing with Parks and Rec to the local dairy farm.  This is actually Gavin's third year going to the farm and Austin's second (although last year Austin wasn't too interested in the cows).  This year Austin liked the cows as we were driving up to the farm, but once we got out and actually saw the cows he was not so sure.  He did like the calves.  And how could you not when they are so cute!  Too bad they grow so big.  It took Austin a little while to work up the courage to touch one but once he did he was very excited about the calves.

This was his first reaction upon seeing the calf close up.

Gavin, of course, had no problem touching the calves...he's an old pro at this point.  He said he would take one home but he didn't want to have to clean up after it.

Here's Austin finally touching the calf.  After that he was so excited to touch them he kept scaring the poor things away!

After we saw the calves, we went to the barn to see the mama cows.  The man pushed the button that shoots a huge wave of water that goes down the center of the barn to clean it and it scared Austin and I had to hold him for the rest of the trip so I didn't get many other pictures.  Austin has developed a big fear of loud noises.  I didn't even think it was that loud but he was having none of it.  I did get this picture of Gavin on a bale of hay.  We got to see all the things they put into the feed.

Here's Austin on the hay the only time I got to put him down after the water incident.  He wasn't thrilled.

Gavin got to milk the cow again.

Since we finished Trumpet of the Swan we are reading Charlotte's Web.  They are by the same author and Gavin has been asking me to read it since I told him it was my favorite book as a child which I mentioned because they were written by the same author.  He's not super sentimental so I think he'll take the ending okay but we will see.  We've read two chapters so far.

And, we are still reading about Grandfather Frog before bed.

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