Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bees and Nature

Yesterday Gavin dressed himself in camo pants and shirt he made at school and then accessorized with his bronze metal, sword and American flag.  This outfit probably just about sums up Gavin.
Austin enjoyed trying on hats.  He usually puts hats on backwards for some reason.

Gavin worked on his bee lapbook both yesterday and today.  We will most likely finish bees by Friday.  Yesterday he listed 3 hive facts; he chose: bees' homes, made up of cells and where bees make honey.  He also listed "un-bee-lieveable" facts.  Today he did bee vocabulary and bee predators.

Today we played outside.  Austin played with the knights.

Gavin practiced on his balance bike.  Yesterday he wiped out on it for the first time and skinned his knee and elbow pretty good.  Today he told me, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!"  I knew that poem would come in handy some day!

Austin saw a bus go by (his favorite vehicle).

He watched carefully to see where it was stopping...

And then kept a close eye on it until it left.

This evening we went to a family event at a local park.  The theme was 'Explore Outdoors'.  First stop, firetruck.  What that has to do with the theme I have no idea but it is a must have attraction.  Gavin hopped right up, Austin still has no desire to go into the trucks.

We got to see a turkey vulture up close.  Austin really loved looking at the turkey vulture.  He always screams 'vulture' when he sees one flying and he's very good at spotting them.

Austin really enjoyed digging in the 'forest floor', a bin with dirt, leaves and earthworms.

He also liked the snake.  Last Friday we were at a kiddie pool and a 2-foot black snake was trying to get in the pool.  Needless to say it was a very exciting 10 minutes that it took the lifeguards to catch it (which they never actually did, they ended up chasing it back across the chain link fence).  Austin has been saying, "snake in the pool" ever since.

Yesterday we didn't read any books but we watched this children's documentary about bees that I found at our local library.   It was actually interesting and had lots of good information and pictures.

Today we read more specifically about beekeeping and how they get the honey and what they do with it and the wax from the combs.

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