Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Taste of Missouri

Yesterday the boys and I went to the state park to relax in the shade next to the creek.  It was a beautiful day and we had a great time.  There were a lot of blue and black dragonflies there and now Austin can say dragonfly.

Austin fell into the water so we had to take his shirt off.

Last night I took Gavin to the library because the local astronomy group was there to talk about why it's summer and then we went outside a looked at Saturn through a telescope.  It was really neat!  I thought it would be fun since Space is going to be our first science topic when we start kindergarten.

Today we took a family vacation to the state capitol.  First, we walked across the bridge that stretches over the Missouri River.

That's the capitol in the background in this next picture.

Then we went to the capitol grounds and looked at all the fountains and statues.  The boys enjoyed the sights.

Thomas Jefferson anyone?  I think this statue is a little menacing the way he's glowering down at you.

Gavin wasn't quite sure what to make of this one....part man, part horse, part fish?  The realist in him was reeling.

Cannons are always fun.

After touring the grounds we went inside and saw the exhibits.  I found out they have programs for children that would be a lot of fun.  Gavin really liked the museum which kind of surprised me at his age.  We went through the whole thing and he really enjoyed the Civil War exhibits but he also liked seeing the items people used for everyday life.  He said he wants to come back some time right after breakfast so we can spend more time looking next time.

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