Monday, June 13, 2011

Soccer and Music

As Steven posted yesterday, we have been enjoying a lot of soccer the last few days.  Gavin received his medal today and was very proud of it.  I told him we could hang it up in his room and he told me he was going to wear it so it should just be placed on his dresser where he can reach it when he gets up.  Here are the few pictures I took.

Austin is learning how to entertain himself while keeping an eye on the game and occasionally cheering on his brother.

Gavin ready for his game.

I can't remember what had happened right before I took this picture...I think the other team had scored a goal.  Obviously, Gavin was not pleased.

After his game on Sunday he had a birthday party to go to and then we went to see our local community band at a free concert in a public garden.  It is one of my favorite events all year.  It's beautiful (I wish my backyard looked like this garden), the concert is only about an hour, and since it's outside it's perfect for kids.  So, we packed up a picnic basket and a few toys and enjoyed a wonderful evening out.  The band played a lot of marches, big band music from World War II and songs from the Civil War, including The Battle Hymn of the Republic, which Gavin loves.

The food was very good!  We had blackberries, blueberries, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, cheese and crackers.  I brought a baguette and goat cheese but forgot the bread knife so Gavin got one end of it but we put the rest away to enjoy at home.

Austin played with his cars.

Gavin drew battle scenes on the program during the Civil War songs.

Today Gavin did a space puzzle.  We stayed home all day and recovered from last week.  Tomorrow we should get started back on bees.  Gavin's been napping in the afternoons and we have had so much to do that we have put it on the back burner the last few days.

We finished Lightfoot and started Little Pilgrim's Progress for our bedtime book.  Today at lunch and dinner we read two short stories: The King's Wish by Edward Wade Devlin and The Magic Fishbone by Charles Dickens.

We have also been reading from this book in the mornings for the last couple of months. 
Each page starts, "God's Little Boy is....", then has a four line rhyme and a Bible verse to teach the them for that thought.  We do one each week, just re-reading one trait the entire week.  On Monday's I go back and read them all from the beginning of the book and then read the new one.  This is a wonderful book!  The pictures are beautiful and the rhymes are easy for Gavin to remember and relate too.

So far we have read:
God's Little Boy is Helpful - "Whenever you are able, do good to people who need help." Prov 3:27
God's Little Boy is Giving - "A person who gives to others will get richer.  Whoever helps others will himself by helped." Prov 11:25
God's Little Boy is Wise - "The mind of a smart person is ready to get knowledge.  The wise person listens to learn more." Prov 18:15
God's Little Boy is Friendly - "A friend loves you all the time.  A brother is always there to help you." Prov 17:17
God's Little Boy is Hard Working - "The person who works his land will have plenty of food.  But the one who chases useless dreams isn't wise." Prov 12:11
God's Little Boy is Obedient - "The son who obeys what he has been taught shows he is smart." Prov 28:7
God's Little Boy is Cheerful - "A happy heart is like good medicine." Prov 17:22
God's Little Boy is Truthful - "Don't use your mouth to tell lies.  Don't ever say things that are not true." Prov 4:24
God's Little Boy is Thrifty - "Money that comes easily disappears quickly.  But money that is gathered little by little will slowly grow." Prov 13:11
God's Little Boy is Brave - "You won't need to be afraid when you lie down.  When you lie down your sleep will be peaceful....the Lord will keep you safe." Prov 3:24,26
God's Little Boy is Self-Controlled - "A person who does not control himself is like a city whose walls have been broken down." Prov 25:28
God's Little Boy is Disciplined - "The lazy person is like a door that turns back and forth on its hinges.  He stays in bed and turns over and over." Prov 26:14
God's Little Boy is Diligent - "The person who works his land will have plenty of food.  But the one who chases useless dreams instead will end up very poor." Prov 28:19

Today we started...
God's Little Boy is Kind - "Don't ever stop being kind and truthful.  Let kindness and truth show in all you do." Prov 3:3

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