Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lots of Nature

Yesterday morning we went for a walk on the trail.  Gavin wanted to run instead of riding his bike so we got to go on a different trail that says, 'No Bikes'.  This trail goes around a natural wetland area and we haven't been able to try it before because Gavin always rides his bike.  (He said he wanted to run so he can be in shape for his first soccer tournament next weekend.)  Anyway, we saw all kinds of things!  We saw a bunch of tiny, little frogs that must have just hatched because they were no bigger than your fingernail.  Super Cute!
Then we found a little snake.  Not so cute!

Both of the boys were interested in it though.

Then we came across a turtle!

Besides that we also saw a lot of different birds that we normally don't see.  We will have to go on this trail again some time!

When we got home we learned a little more about bees.  Gavin did a worksheet where he looked at pictures and picked out the pictures that start with the letter 'b' and then glued them into the hive.  He did a good job and is getting better at cutting finally.

Austin is working on a book about bees too!  He was really getting into to it yesterday.

After Austin got up from his nap we went to the sprinklers at the park. I forgot my camera but it was really crowded so I probably wouldn't have been able to take pictures anyway.

This morning we went to the farmer's market.  There is a farmer there who raises bees and sells honey and other products made of honey.  He always brings a bee hive with him and the hive is in a clear container so you can watch the bees as they work.  Gavin watched the bees and was able to pick out the cells where the eggs were.  Then he asked the farmer which was the queen bee and the farmer was nice enough to point her out so Gavin could see her and then he told Gavin a little more about bees!  It was lots of fun!

On the way there we got side tracked at a garage sale and Gavin got this really nice Rescue Heroes puzzle.

Yesterday we read the chapter on bees in our Christian Liberty Nature Reader.  It was mostly about honey bees but also talked about carpenter bees, miner bees and more!

Our poem for June is 'I Never Saw a Moor' by Emily Dickinson.  You probably know it but here it is just in case:

I Never Saw a Moor
by Emily Dickinson

I never saw a moor,
I never saw the sea;
Yet know I how the heather looks,
And what a wave must be.

I never spoke with God,
Nor visited in heaven;
Yet certain am I of the spot
As if the chart were given.

The inspiration for this month's poem is that next week is Kid's Club at our church.  (We used to call it Vacation Bible School when I was a kid but I guess that's not cool anymore.)  The theme is space and they are going to be talking about heaven.

This morning we read this kid's book about heaven.

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