Friday, June 24, 2011

Our Week

We have had a much needed quiet week here.  Here are some things we have been doing.

We have walked along the trail.  We saw this beautiful, big, yellow butterfly!

We also saw this bee!

Austin really likes to dance.  For some reason, he likes to dance with a hat of some sort on.  He's been dancing just about every day to Chopin (I finally put my foot down on the Mozart.  I like Mozart but every time I put in a different composer Gavin asks for Mozart.  I finally told him we had to listen to others as well).

We have spent most of our time outside.

We have even walked to the park.  Austin refuses to go down the slides this year.

Austin still loves looking at the bird book.  It's his favorite and he can identify a lot of the birds in it.  

Gavin decided he wanted to be a scientist and study ants so he broke open an ants nest to look inside.  They did have some sort of bug in was kind of gross but Gavin enjoyed it and insisted he was learning.

We also have a family of frogs living in the kiddie pool.  We haven't been swimming because we hate to kick them out!

We are still reading "I Never Saw A Moor" by Emily Dickinson everyday.  This week we are reading "God's Little Boy is Content" in God's Wisdom for Little Boys.  The verse is Proverbs 14:30, "Peace of mind means a healthy body."

We are going through our short story book still.  It's called The Children's Hour: Caravan of Fun.  We have read:
Mrs Goose's Rubbers by Miriam Clark Potter (about a goose that didn't put her rain boots back where they belonged so she can't go to the market since it's raining),
The King's Wish by Edward Wade Devlin (about a king who's wish was to fly but then couldn't get down),
The Magic Fishbone by Charles Dickens (about a girl who got a magic fishbone),
The Huckabuck Family by Carl Sandburg (about a family who grew popcorn on a farm), 
A poem called "The Tillyheehee" by John Dukes McKee,
Mr Scrunch by Helen and Alf Evers (about an inventor who started making inventions for animals that didn't turn out so great),
Oscar the Trained Seal by Mabel Neikirk (about a seal that took a ride on a train),
The Magic Glass by Richard Hughes (about a little boy who found a glass and when he looked through it it turned people into toys and toys into people),
A poem called "The Ship of Rio" by Walter de la Mare (about a pirate ship run by monkeys) and
another poem called "A Legend of Lake Okeefinokee" by Laura Richards (about a mockingbird who plays a trick on a frog).

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