Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Toads and Bees

Sunday afternoon Gavin, Austin and Dad played in the pirate pool.  A toad had found a nice wet place to stay cool but sadly after a few minutes of group swimming the toad had to find a new place to hang out.

Austin was not too sure what to think about the toad.  He was really big!

Yesterday morning the boys played with their trains outside before it got too hot.  Trains seem to be the newest thing at our house, mostly because Austin is just starting to get into them and Gavin doesn't want to be left out.

For our bees project, Gavin and I made a bee shirt (the one I made is for Austin).  First we painted the hive.  I did the outline for Gavin and then let him paint the inside which worked really well.

Then we cut one of the smallest potatoes in our garden in half and used it as a stencil for the bee's body.  This let Gavin be able to make his own bees.

The pictures of the finished shirts are below.

When Austin woke up from his nap, the boys played with Play-Doh for about an hour.  I'm not sure what the deal is with pressing things into the Play-Doh but apparently it's very fun.

Austin had to make sure he wasn't missing any good toys in the Play-Doh bag.

Here are the shirts.  This is Gavin's shirt.  (I did the stripes and antenna and legs for him.)

This is Austin's shirt.

Yesterday we read two stories from Aesops Fables.  One was called The Bear and the Bees.  Moral: It is wiser to bear a single injury in silence than to provoke a thousand by flying into a rage.  The other was The Bees and Wasps and the Hornet.  Moral: Ability proves itself by deeds. 
We also read The Fox and the Leopard because Gavin saw a picture of the two animals and thought it must be good.  Moral: A fine coat is not always an indication of an attractive mind.
Then we read the Magic School Bus Inside a Beehive.

To follow up with our book about heaven we read a book about angels.  Kids Club started last night and Gavin had a great time!  He didn't get to bed until 9:00 though so he's a little grumpy this morning.

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