Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 12, 2011

I wish I had pictures from Gavin's soccer tournament, but Kristyn and I were too busy cheering to take pictures. I shot video of the first game, but that obviously isn't easy to share here. For those who don't know, Gavin was in the Show Me State Games 3 v 3 tournament, and his team went 2-1. That was good enough to earn a third place medal, which was not bad for his first real tournament.

After the game, I got a little work done in the yard. Austin and I were hanging out when I found a baby toad. Austin wasn't interested in touching it, but he did enjoy looking at it.

With all the hot weather we've been having, the dogs have been looking for any cool spot they can find to lay down. Unfortunately for my potato plants, the trellis I have for my garden peas apparently creates a nice bit of shade. The dogs have pretty well trashed my plants...

... so, Gavin and I dug them up a month or so early. Here's what we ended up with, after giving a generous number to our neighbor.
Finally, this evening after mowing the yard I took a peek into our bluebird house. Here's what I found. There were five eggs in their last time I checked, and as far as I can tell from these pictures there are at least four and maybe five chicks.

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