Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

This morning we went to a parade.  Before it started some parachuters jumped from a plane and landed in the street in front of us.  It was really neat and Gavin and Kaitlynn really liked it.  Austin didn't notice.

The parade was lots of fun too!

And we finished our composting tube and Gavin emptied it into our garden.  He drew a picture in his science journal first.  You can't really tell from this picture, but it's empty in the middle.  I tried to get him to hold it up but it didn't work very well.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Last Day of Preschool!

Since today was Gavin's last day of preschool, of course we had to do something fun.  So on the way home we stopped and got some ice cream to eat for lunch.  After the ice cream was gone I made pizza and Gavin got to eat in the living room (which never happens) and while watching a Mighty Machines DVD - at the construction site and at the demolition site.  In his underwear...

Because that's just what you do when school's out...right?

Anyway, when the babies woke up from their nap we went to the splashpark.  I'll let the pictures do the talking about our trip rather than boring you with commentary.

Kaitlynn is with Delaney, a little girl in Gavin's class at school.

Austin did great and wasn't even scared of the big sprinklers.  He got right in the spray and stayed there playing for a few minutes before I carried him back to the baby sprinklers.
I love this picture.  I think Kaitlynn has the 'if-looks-could-kill' look down.  Gavin just told her not to touch him.  No reason really, just to be a pain.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sorry I haven't posted anything this week!  This is Gavin's last week of school and Steven's last full week at work so it has been very exciting around here.  Monday night we had parent meetings and tonight was Steven's going away party! 

Tuesday Gavin and Austin played with the army men together.

Austin was very happy to get to play with his brother and he came over to tell me all about it!

Gavin worked on thank you cards for his teachers while Calla and Austin colored pictures.

Then we went outside to play at the water table for a little while.

This morning, Austin and I worked on getting some plants in the flower bed Steven dug out last weekend.  Lowe's is having a sale on perennials and this is what it looks like now.

Hopefully the plants will fill out fairly quickly.  I am debating whether I should put hanging plants or bird feeders on the hooks.  I'm leaning towards bird feeders I think.  When we came back in Austin practiced his walking.  Sorry for the state of undress but he was covered in dirt so I had taken his clothes off.

We checked our composting tube today and the little worms are doing their job and our zucchini peels are almost gone already!  Gavin drew a picture of it in his science journal.

And Austin is getting switched over to sippy cups this week!

That has been our week so far!