Friday, May 21, 2010

Science and History

Yesterday, Gavin made a mini compost tube from our Magic School Bus science kit!  First we put soil and vegetable peels in our tube.  Then Gavin cut some newspaper into strips and put that in his tube.

Then he went outside to look for some worms.

Mission Acommplished!

He put the worms into the compost tube.

We'll check it in a couple days to see what happens!  And, Austin started walking, with a little help of course!

He was very proud of himself!

This morning, Gavin went with his preschool to an art museum and an anthropology museum.  He had a great time and asked lots of questions!

Gavin told the lady he had made a mosaic at home, referring to his seahorse!

Yes, he is actually explaining something to the tour guide in that picture!

He told me his favorite thing he saw was an elephant leg bone.  I was surprised it wasn't the rifles and pistols in the pioneer exhibit.  He also saw lots of bows and arrows and clubs of various kinds.

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