Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cow Farm

So today we went back into the wilderness, not quite as far as yesterday, to visit a real, working dairy farm!  And of course, I left my camera at home...  It wasn't with Gavin's preschool, it was with our local Parks and Rec Department.  They host the event once a year and it's lots of fun (Gavin went with Dad last year because it was just a couple days after Austin was born).  We had a good time just the same.  Gavin and I agreed that petting the calves was our favorite part of the trip.  We also saw all the different grains they mix together to make the cow's feed.  When our guide milked a cow and asked the kids if anyone would like to try milking the cow Gavin was the first one to raise his hand and step up.  He actually managed to milk it just fine!  We also got to go into the milking barn and finished the trip with some ice cream which Gavin was kind enough to share with his brother.

When we got home Gavin finished the rest of his plant lapbook.  Tomorrow we will put everything into a folder and we'll be done.  Today he colored the life cycle of a plant and put it in order...

Then he worked on beginning sounds.  He had a worksheet with 6 columns and at the top it said 'Spring'.  He glued pictures of different items under the letter it started with in 'spring' i.e. pizza under 'p', etc.

Then he did seed addition gluing pinto beans onto the paper and adding them up.

When Austin woke up from his nap we went outside to play.  He wanted to play with his brother but Gavin was playing with his army men and Gavin doesn't like Austin to play with his army men so Austin had to find something else to play with, which turned out to be the dog's tennis ball.

When Calla woke up from her nap, we all went down the trail then we came home and the kids played until dinner.

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