Monday, May 3, 2010

Goat Farm

Yes you read that correctly and it's not a typo.  This morning we headed out into the wilderness to visit a real, working goat farm (they make goat cheese, better than goat burgers - at least from the goat's perspective)!  Anyway, we saw lots of goats.  And goats will eat anything, including the clothes you are currently wearing!

Austin hung out for a little bit before venturing near the goats.

And really, when he was next to the goats, he was much more interested in the substance in which I set him in then the goats.

Does it make me a bad mom that a goat was trying to eat my child and I took a picture rather than rescuing him....?

It's okay, he never even noticed because the hay was so exciting.  And on to the next barn...

The kids all had a great time!  They ate baguettes with goat cheese for snack.  And then the owner of the farm had to pull my car out of the mud it was stuck in so we could go home, so all around, a very eventful morning!

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