Saturday, May 22, 2010

Summer Time!

Yesterday, Gavin and I were cleaning the bathroom when Austin decided to help clean the cabinets.

Today we played in the pool!

It wasn't long before Calla and Austin decided to put on hats.

Calla spent the entire time playing with the stacking cups.  Austin played with different toys but he really enjoyed smacking the water with a wooden spoon I brought out!

Gavin had a great time playing in the sprinkler.  He played in the pool while the little ones were napping and then played in the sprinkler while the little ones were in the pool.

Gavin's so skinny he was in danger of becoming the Coppertone baby most of the day.

After 2 1/2 hours in the pool (!) it was time to eat!  Calla and Gavin had a picnic on the back porch.

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