Friday, May 28, 2010

Last Day of Preschool!

Since today was Gavin's last day of preschool, of course we had to do something fun.  So on the way home we stopped and got some ice cream to eat for lunch.  After the ice cream was gone I made pizza and Gavin got to eat in the living room (which never happens) and while watching a Mighty Machines DVD - at the construction site and at the demolition site.  In his underwear...

Because that's just what you do when school's out...right?

Anyway, when the babies woke up from their nap we went to the splashpark.  I'll let the pictures do the talking about our trip rather than boring you with commentary.

Kaitlynn is with Delaney, a little girl in Gavin's class at school.

Austin did great and wasn't even scared of the big sprinklers.  He got right in the spray and stayed there playing for a few minutes before I carried him back to the baby sprinklers.
I love this picture.  I think Kaitlynn has the 'if-looks-could-kill' look down.  Gavin just told her not to touch him.  No reason really, just to be a pain.

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