Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wild Animals

This morning we went to an event held by our local Parks & Rec Department.  It was at a gentleman's house just outside of town.  He has a goat, donkey, llama, camel and a dog that does tricks.  The boys had a good time.  Austin enjoyed seeing the animals but wouldn't go near them but Gavin petted the animals and fed the camel a couple slices of apple.

Here are the boys waiting for everyone to arrive so we could go back and see the animals.

The llama makes his appearance.

And then Joe the camel.

Gavin moved his hand so fast I didn't get a picture of him actually feeding the camel, but he had just given the camel a slice of apple.

This was the only time Austin got close to any of the animals.  He gave the donkey a slice of apple that had fallen to the ground.  The donkey was very grateful because no one was paying him any attention because the camel was standing over him (and he was a very small donkey!).

Austin was about to go pet the goat but the goat started talking and he decided he wasn't going to get near her after all.

And, most exciting for Austin because he LOVES geese, there was a goose family with five goslings there!  We watched the geese eating then they headed back for the pond.

We finally finished our bird unit today!!!!  Today we learned about migration by reading two books, one non-fiction and one fiction.

I love Lynne Cherry books.  They are always a good story with beautiful illustrations.  I met her once in Washington D.C. and she was very nice.  Anyway, we've read Flute's Journey many times before but since it's about the life of a wood thrush, and his migration to Costa Rica, we read it again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed with the effort, imagination and creativity being given to the schooling of the boys. I'd seen so many poor efforts and the predictable results that my enthusiasm for home schooling was long gone. You're making it look like fun.
