Monday, September 24, 2012

In math today Gavin practiced skip counting as a prelude to multiplication.  We started by skip counting on the abacus, then I wrote multiplication problems on a piece of paper so he could figure out the answer.  For example, he separated the beads on the abacus by groups of 3 to 30, then I would say 3 X 4 = and he would use his abacus to find the answer.
Then he played a game where I shuffled skip counting cards and placed them face down on the table.  He did skip counting by 3, 4 and 6.  He had to turn over the cards one at a time and put them in the correct order.  When they were all lined up I would say 'what is 3 five times' and he would count over five cards to find the answer.

As a special treat today we went to the library where a lady with Wings of Love was talking about rain forest birds.  She has quite a few of them and has traveled to the rain forest and written books about them and since we are learning about the rain forest this happened at the perfect time for us.  Both Gavin and Austin had an awesome time and were very impressed.
This is actually an owl from Asia.  He was the only non-rain forest bird there but he is the second biggest owl species in the world with a wing span of almost seven feet.  He flew right over the top of us and it was very impressive!

On our way to the room where this was taking place Gavin said he hoped she would have a toucan.  I don't think I've ever actually seen a toucan and I told him she probably wouldn't have one and maybe we could find one at the zoo.  Well, I was wrong!  She did have a toucan!  And, I have to say, this is a very beautiful bird.  Way prettier in person then in the pictures.  Super cute too!  It kept hopping off it's perch and hopping across the floor!  She tossed him some grapes and he caught them and ate them right up.

Apparently this bird hangs upside down to drink nectar from flowers just like a hummingbird.  It was a beautiful red color.

This is a cockatoo roller skating.

He can also ride a bike and play basketball.

A couple of the birds even talked!  The boys loved this program so I'm glad we got to go!  When we got home Gavin had to finish up his school work.  He colored in the free states/territories and slave states/territories from 1860.

Then he practiced mapping by following the directions to mark each room in a castle.

We read about the Missouri Compromise and read about another missionary in Ethiopia.  Our fairy tale today was the Black Bull of Norroway.

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