Thursday, September 27, 2012

This week we finished our rain forest wall by adding labels to our plants, animals and layers.

Adelaide is officially moving!  She is crawling all over getting into everything!  It's been quite the week for Austin who was not expecting her to be getting into his things.  It doesn't matter what I put around her she always wants whatever her brothers are playing with and she goes right for them.  She also seems to really like Jackson's tail!

She keeps getting up on her feet like this, I'm not sure why!

Yesterday she helped me pot some flowers.

Here are some books we've read this week.  We started Abraham Lincoln.  I tried to do a couple activities online but our computer was too slow :(

Gavin is reading this chapter book about Lincoln for homework.

We finished up rain forests by reading these books.  I really like the "We Both Read" series.  One page is for the adult to read and the page facing it is for kids to read with easier words and bigger type.

Today we started desert habitats.

And, we finished Longfellow!

We have two chapters left in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

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