Saturday, September 1, 2012

Just a few things from Friday.  Gavin did a worksheet that had 3 dimensional shapes on it that he had to copy with his blocks.  Then he counted the number of blocks in the shape and wrote it on the worksheet.  He really enjoyed this activity.

In art we finished up Joseph Turner by making a 'reflections' painting.  A lot of Turner's paintings had a cloudy horizon line because the sky reflected in the water.  This was a great project this week since we have been working on reflections in math!  He painted red on the top and blue in the middle and then he painted the reflection of the red at the bottom and blended the colors in between.

Today Adelaide was ready for game day today!

And, she learned how to sit herself up in her crib, which was great but she didn't take a nap all day because every time I'd lay her down she would sit right up and smile at me!

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