Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's that time of year again!  Yesterday the kids and I went to the Renaissance Festival, and as always, we had a wonderful time!  Austin got to pick out his very own sword and shield this year.  He was so excited and carried his sword with him every where all day long!  Gavin really wanted a dagger for some reason so that's what he got.  They were both very happy!
Gavin got a lesson in playing a psaltery.

He played this jousting game again and again got his lance through the ring!

Here he is being knighted!

Then he listened to a stonemason explain his craft before giving it a try himself.

Both the boys loved trying on real armor!

We saw a very colorful parade!

We visited the sheep!  They wouldn't go near Austin.  He had messed in his pants and I think he was too stinky for the sheep because they kept running away from him!

There were lots of awesome hats for Austin to try on!

At the jousting tournament we cheered for Sir Joseph who was a very nice guy. 

Here is Austin being knighted by the king.

He just did that because the jester was giving away little purple ribbons to kids who were knighted and Austin wanted a purple ribbon.  He gave the jester a big hug for his ribbon and the jester told me he was 'the nicest boy ever to be knighted'.

That would be a cow with a saddle on his back.  Unfortunately he was resting so the boys had to settle for an ordinary pony ride!

They were happy with the ponies!

That was our day!

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