Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This week Gavin has continued to work on reflections and symmetry as well as dividing numbers into 3 or 4 parts and adding two digit numbers in his head.
On this worksheet he was given six digits and had to find the combination of 2, 3 or 4 digits that equalled 15.

In geography, Gavin learned about cardinal directions and worked on following them on maps.

Gavin had his first Cub Scout meeting!

Adelaide has learned how fun blocks are and they are one of her favorite things to play with!

Gavin wrote a paragraph about his pond using cardinal directions.  Here is what he wrote:
"Flytrap the frog is sitting on a log in the northeast corner of Lovely Pond.  To the south of Flytrap are two orange fish in the water.  Also south of Flytrap are two yellow ducks.  Southwest of Flytrap is a big white waterlily.  A bee is on the waterlily.  A third orange fish is under the waterlily.  I like to watch the animals at Lovely Pond."

He is going to copy it neatly into his copywork notebook.
We read about frogs and he traced the life cycle of a frog.  There wasn't a neat illustration of the life cycle in our books so he just traced different pictures that showed the transformation from different pages to get his cycle.

Today we learned more about Japan by making a Japanese dinner called Yakitori.  It was just a marinated chicken kabobs on rice.  We decided to add pineapple to our kabobs just because it's yummy even though it's not authentic.  Gavin got our kabobs put together and we agreed that it was yummy!


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