Thursday, September 20, 2012

Today Gavin cooked us another Japanese meal: teriyaki steak and broccoli over rice. 

We added animals and plants to our rain forest.  We put them in the correct layer where they live (we added some water to the bottom).

Here is what we have now.

Next week we are going to add labels.  The boys had a rain forest dinner: bananas, pineapple, kiwi, avacado, cashews and Fig Newton's (for figs).  Not exactly a balanced meal but they both enjoyed it!

We read this book about the rain forest today.

We have only three chapters left in our biography about Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Gavin has been reading this book on his own.

He is also reading this book about Japan.
And we are deep into Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which Gavin is loving!

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