Friday, October 26, 2012

We only have one lesson left in our first grade RightStart Math book.  Yesterday Gavin worked reading the temperature on a thermometer and telling time to the minute.
He finished his tracing of Bull Run.

Today the boys went to a homeschoolers Halloween party so you get a sneak peak at the costumes.

We read about Jefferson Davis today and then Gavin practiced painting a still life like Paul Gauguin.  This was the painting we studied.
Luckily for us, Jackson always sleeps in front of the door and is there about 23 hours a day so we had the dog part of our painting.  I set a couple 'goblets' in front of him and some apples and Gavin drew, and then painted, what he saw.

Here's a closer look at what he was painting.  Jackson was a little nervous about receiving so much attention.  You know your dog doesn't get enough attention when he gets nervous when getting attention!

Austin knows we paint on Fridays and he is always very excited to participate.  Today he painted a shark.

Here is Gavin's finished painting.  The red at the top is the door, the yellow at the bottom if the wood floor.

We read this book about Jefferson Davis today.

And we finished this book last night.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

For some reason I forgot to upload the pictures I took of Adelaide yesterday so here they are a day late!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Yesterday when we sat down to start school Daisy was laying on Gavin's desk!  We did get her to move but she was quite indignant about it.
Yesterday we finished up perimeter.  Gavin figured out the perimeter of an Olympic sized swimming pool.

We read about the Battle of Bull Run and Gavin started tracing the battle map.  He didn't quite finish so he will finish it tomorrow.

Gavin and I took turns reading chapters out of this book last weekend.  Gavin loves this series!

This morning Gavin practiced subtracting large numbers in his head.  We played the corners game where you connect numbers that are multiples of 5 but instead of adding our score we both started with 150 points and worked our way down to 0. 

Austin worked in my garden for me this afternoon.

In the spring I planted a cantaloupe and it didn't do anything all summer.  Today we saw one cantaloupe on the vine.  I don't know if it will ripen or not, but I kind of doubt it this late in the year.  I'm not sure why the plant is so confused!

Here are a couple books we have read about the savanna, our current habitat.

Gavin read this book yesterday and today.

The boys watched The Metropolitan Opera's production of 'Hansel and Gretel' this afternoon.  They both enjoyed it!
Gavin has been copying Abraham Lincoln quotes for copywork.  Here are a few he has done. 
"I believe that the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man.  All the good from the Saviour of the world is communicated to us through this book."
"My concern is not whether God is on our side my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."
"Every man's happiness is his own responsiblilty."
"Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm."
"My best friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read."
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other."

Thursday, October 18, 2012

This week we have finally started the Civil War, much to Gavin's excitement.  First we read a little background and about Fort Sumter in a book called American History Stories by Mara Pratt.  We will be reading through this book because it goes through the entire war, each chapter is only 3-5 pages long, and it highlights both battles and events, as well as specific stories about soldiers and life of a soldier in a story format.
We also used (and will continue to use) this book about battles (Gavin said this was his favorite book).

We read this book about Fort Sumter.

We are also reading poems from this book...a great find, it has poems people wrote before, during and after the war.

After we completed our reading, Gavin colored in the Confederate states and Union states on a map.

Then he traced the battle of Fort Sumter on a piece of tracing paper.

Here's what we ended up with.  The big 'U' under Fort Sumter stands for Union.  We put a 'C' near the Confederate controlled islands.

Adelaide is spending a lot of time on her feet now.  Today she even took just a couple steps to reach something!

Monday and Tuesday Gavin worked on finding perimeter of a rectangle and he learned that P = s + s + s + s.  Yesterday I told him he had to figure out what the sides were of a rectangle that's perimeter is 16.  He had some trouble with this so we got out the math balance so he could figure it out.  It was still a little tricky remembering that the number had to have a pair because it was a rectangle (if you have one 4 you have to have another because two sides are the same length).  You can tell he's not having much fun in this picture!

Then he drew a diagonal line on some rectangles I had cut out of a piece of construction paper.  Then he measured the diagonal line, wrote down the answer, measured the sides of the rectangle and found the perimeter but plugging it into the equation.  This was a little easier.

Yesterday we continued learning about France.  We have been using Amanda Bennett's Download and Go France curriculum and we really enjoy it.  She has lots of great links to YouTube videos that show the sites around France and some that talk about things like how they make cheese, etc.  We read some more from Bo and about Rachel from France.

For our French meal we made sole with lemon cream sauce.  I don't usually make sauces so I was a little nervous about this one but it turned out really good.  Of course, the sauce was butter, heavy cream and lemon juice.  How on earth are French people so skinny?  Anyway, the boys both ate the fish right up (which is saying a lot for Austin because he won't eat anything right now).  We served it with green beans and baguette.  Gavin said it was 'awesome' and both boys cheered when I told them we were having a French meal so I think they are really liking the French food!

Since Gavin struggled a bit yesterday in math we did the same thing today and it went much better.  He didn't have any trouble with it and was feeling much more confident.  He still used the math balance but he was able to figure out the sides when I told him what the perimeter had to be.

Then he did the rectangles again (he did three yesterday and three today).  Here's what it looked like if you can read his chicken scratch.  It says D=7 3/4 and has the measurements of the outside of the rectangle.

Then he turned it over and found the perimeter.  He is basically learning a simple equation.

Today Adelaide discovered the play kitchen!

Yesterday we went on a tour of a local television station with Gavin's Cub Scout troop.  It was really interesting and the kids enjoyed it even though none of them really watch the news.  They liked seeing where they filmed the news and all the cameras and equipment.  They also learned a little bit about how news stories make it to the evening news and how it is filmed.