Monday, October 1, 2012

It's the first day of a new month so that means we have some new people we are learning about and new things we are memorizing!  Our composer this month is Bruno Walter Brahms.  Our artist is Paul Gauguin.  Our verse this month is Matthew 6:9-13: The Lord's Prayer.  And our poem for this month is by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Go, sit upon the lofty hill,
And turn your eyes around,
Where waving woods and waters wild
Do hymn an autumn sound.
The summer sun is faint on them --
The summer flowers depart --
Sit still -- as all transform'd to stone,
Except your musing heart.
How there you sat in summer-time,
May yet be in your mind;
And how you heard the green woods sing
Beneath the freshening wind.
Though the same wind now blows around,
You would its blast recall;
For every breath that stirs the trees,
Doth cause a leaf to fall.
Hear not the wind -- view not the woods;
Look out o'er vale and hill-
In spring, the sky encircled them --
The sky is round them still.
Come autumn's scathe -- come winter's cold --
Come change -- and human fate!
Whatever prospect Heaven doth bound,
Can ne'er be desolate.
I took out a couple sections of it so it wouldn't be quite as long.  I still thought it was pretty.  Here is a flashback to Friday...Gavin finished up Winslow Homer by working on another painting, paying special attention to light and dark colors where the sun would reflect off of things and where it wouldn't.
Here is Adelaide chewing on one of the boy's motorcycles.  Chewing on her brothers' toys makes her very happy!

Today we started learning about Abraham Lincoln.  The boys did a cut and paste Lincoln head.  It was simple for Gavin but he had fun doing it with his brother.

He gave poor Lincoln a pig nose!

We started this chapter book today about Lincoln's relationship with his children.
Gavin read this book about Lincoln.

And I read this book about Lincoln's childhood.


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