Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I've been slacking on posts this last week so today I'll try to catch up!  Last Wednesday we started France as our country for the month, although we are going to spend about six weeks in France.  We started our learning by eating pain du chocolat, or at least the English version.  I wrapped chocolate chips in the middle of croissants stuck them in the oven for breakfast.  I don't normally eat breakfast, but if I could eat these every morning, I would definitely start eating breakfast!  They were so delicious!
We opened our package from Little Passports.  We were a little disappointed this month because all they sent was a poster.

Gavin traced France and labeled major cities and rivers.

In science we've continued to read about desert habitats.  We did an experiment on Thursday by putting a wet sponge outside in the sun and another one in the shade to see which would dry out faster.  It would have been more dramatic on a warmer day but Gavin was still able to see the sponge in the sun dry out a little quicker.
This weekend Gavin had an outdoor day with his Cub Scout troop.  First we hiked through some woods.  His leader owns five acres so we go lucky and were able to do all our activities there but still be near a house!  The hat is not a part of the uniform, it's a Civil War hat that Gavin won't take off!

He swung through the woods on this vine.

He got to go fishing!

And even caught a fish!  Here he is reeling it in...

...here's his fish!

Most exciting of all, he got to shoot a BB gun!

Then he practiced his archery.

Last night he received his first patch!

Here's Adelaide hanging out today.

We finished deserts today and Gavin drew a desert food chain in his science notebook.

Here are the books we've read this week.


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