Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Our little Adelaide is getting into everything!  She is keeping us on our toes!
This morning Gavin worked on adding with carrying to the 1,000s place.  He started with adding on his abacus so he could see the process, trading 10 tens for 1 hundred and 10 hundreds for 1 thousand and so forth but he only did two problems on his abacus and then just sat down and did the rest without it.

We read a book about animals in the desert.  Then we folded a paper in half and Gavin drew a cactus and the animals living in, on and under it (in the ground) on the front.  Once he had finished his drawing we cut the cactus into four parts and he opened each flap and wrote down the animals he had drawn that live in the section. 

Meanwhile, Austin colored a cactus I drew for him, then we cut it out and glued it onto a piece of paper and he glued toothpicks on it (to look like spines).

Here is Adelaide looking beautiful outside enjoying the beautiful day!

And the moods change with the wind...

...and then we are happy again!

This is the book we read in science today.  We didn't read all of it so we will read some more on Thursday.

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