Sunday, October 14, 2012

Yesterday the boys and I went to the zoo.  We had a great time!  Unfortunately, it closed before we were finished and we didn't get to see the polar bear and Austin keeps asking when we are going back to see the polar bear.  Here are some pictures!
First we went to the children's zoo area.  The boys had fun petting the goats.

They had some activity stations set up around the zoo for the kids.  Here the kids are making otter puppets.

That would be a hippo he's looking at, although it's hard to see in the picture.

Austin really liked these big tortoises!

In another station the kids were otters fishing for fish, frogs and something else otters eat...I can't remember what it was....

Then we went to the sea lion show.

It took me 20 minutes to get Austin away from the chimp cage.

We had an awesome time although we were sad it was cut short!  We are looking forward to going back next year!

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