Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Here are some pictures I took of Austin today while Gavin was at school.  I think his hair darkened overnight.  Is that possible?  It seemed more light brown today for some reason.  It's still blonde in the sunlight.
If you notice the bed behind him, Austin has moved into the bottom bunk of his brother's room.  This is his second week sleeping in what is now 'the boy's room' and they are both loving it!


Gavin and I read some books about Abraham Lincoln yesterday.

The book Vinnie and Abraham is really good.  It's about the girl who made Lincoln's bust (she was 16 and had no formal instruction) and the 7 ft statue of him that is still in the Capital today (she was 18 when she started that).

This is out of order for some reason...sorry!

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