Monday, February 21, 2011


Yesterday Gavin and I went to see Gnomeo and Juliet after church.  We both really liked it!  I liked that it stayed close to the original story line, even throwing in some of the more famous lines, while keeping it kid friendly.  The language was fine and there weren't any inappropriate sexual innuendos that they like to throw in kids movies these days.  The Disney movie about African cats coming out on Earth Day looks good too so I think we may see that as well.  Hopefully they'll show it in our town because we missed Oceans last year and it was very disappointing!  So after not seeing a movie in a year or more, I saw two this weekend because I went to see The King's Speech on Saturday - also a very good movie!  Of course you can't go wrong with Colin Firth in a movie!

When we got home we went outside to play.  Gavin played 'dance of the basketball' and Austin rode around in his police car.

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