Monday, February 14, 2011

Our Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  We had a good Valentine's Day.  This morning the kids had a small present to open.  Gavin got some Star Wars Legos and Austin got an stuffed owl and a white breasted nuthatch.  When you squeeze them they make the birds actual call which is lots of fun.  Austin has a few of these he got for Christmas and both the boys really like them.

And, we are gradually switching Austin over to his 'big boy' bed.  He will move into Gavin's room and sleep on the trundle.  Gavin and Austin tried out the new bed today.

Austin did take a nap in the new bed but is sleeping in his crib tonight.

This evening Gavin made a heart-shaped pizza.  He is becoming quite a chef.  I didn't have to help him at all!

Here's the final product.  It was very tasty!


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