Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Puzzles and hearts

This morning we did yet another Valentine's Day craft.  Today we painted a piece of paper with vinegar and put red tissue paper hearts on it.  The vinegar was supposed to soak up the red dye so we could take the hearts off and have heart 'stamps' underneath, however, that did not work.  The boys didn't know the difference though so I guess it was still successful.  The hearts did stick to the paper when it dried so there was no catastrophe with them falling off the paper.

Austin played with his milk truck.

Austin was able to complete his car puzzle all by himself today!  We were very proud!  Usually he tries to put them in their spaces but can't line them up straight.

Gavin did this barnyard puzzle all by himself.

I think this is the third day we haven't bothered getting dressed.  That's what snow days are for though isn't it?  And, no school again tomorrow.  I guess I'll have to think up another Valentine's Day craft...maybe we'll just move on to President's Day.  And maybe we will work on actually getting dressed.  We'll just have to wait and see.  I'm kind of hoping soccer isn't canceled tomorrow just so we can get out of the house for a little bit.

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