So we didn't do any special crafts or anything today but I thought I'd just post some pictures of things we do (or at least try to do) every day.
Gavin and I read from a Bible Study book. Right now we are using the book 'Big Truths for Little Kids'. This book incorporates some catechism questions and he seems to like the question and answer format. Then he works on his sight words. Right now they are all knight related: knight, squire, king, prince, princess, sword, mace, queen, lance and horse so far. We add four or five each week. 
Then he reads Dick and Jane. This is actually reads, not pretends to read. Usually I sit next to him and he reads it to me but I told him to pretend to read so I could take his picture...thus the goofy face!
At some point he practices violin. He isn't playing yet just plucking the strings, learning the names of the strings and how to read music.
Austin, as always, spends lots of time reading. Now that he is learning so many new words he likes to look through his books and point and objects and say their name.
Gavin and I are reading about presidents in honor of President's Day. So far we've read about George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt and John Adams. Gavin loves to read biographies! We read three books about George Washington today!
Here's the boys 'reading' some more. This is very common in our house.
Austin spent quite a while playing with his Noah's Ark today. He took all the animals out and sorted and rearranged them on the deck until they were in the perfect location.
Gavin played the bird matching game. Usually I play with him but since we played yesterday I opted out today. He had fun doing it himself anyway.
Here's Austin just before bed running around in a fireman hat.
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