Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

The last few days we have been throwing seed out for the poor little ground foraging birds and we have had a lot of visitors!  This morning while we were eating breakfast we saw our usual dark-eyed juncos, as well as what I think are fox sparrows, two female cardinals, a male cardinal and two Northern Flickers.  Northern flickers are woodpeckers so I'm not sure why they were there, maybe it's hard to find bugs in the trees this time of year.  Here's a picture of one of our dark eyed juncos:

Needless to say, our bird book has been getting lots of use.  Austin has always loved looking through this book (it's one of his favorites) and he is super excited about the birds on the deck and patio!  He keeps running to the window and screaming "Bee" and scaring them away.

The boys wore matching football ties to church this morning.  It's hard to see in the picture but they looked very cute!  The ties are grey with shiny grey football helmets on them.

Well, we are off to watch the Super Bowl.  I never thought I'd say this but, Go Packers!

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