Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day Part 100

So today was another snow day as we are stuck in the house with 17 inches of snow outside and it's still snowing!  Obviously, there is no school tomorrow and I kind of doubt there will be snow on Thursday and if you have Monday - Thursday off you might was well just give them Friday too.  Anyway, we stayed warm and busy.  Dad went out and shoveled every hour which kind of seemed like a losing battle.  The boys made another Valentine's Day craft.

The project was called 'dancing hearts'.  We hung them on the handles of the china hutch.

Then the kids played with Play-Doh.  Austin is getting much better with the Play-Doh and starting to play with some of the cookie cutters and other toys that go with it.

Austin and I got out his sensory bin today.  Then I had him sort the items in this chips and dip container I found at Dollar Tree.  He did a really great job sorting!  He seemed to enjoy it.

Gavin went out to help Dad shovel but since he couldn't find his shovel (very conveniently if you ask me) he helped by 'plowing' the snow with his tricycle.

This picture is fuzzy because of the snow, not because of my picture taking abilities.

Gavin counted and graphed candy hearts.  He did a great job with it.  He seems to like math a lot. 
That was our day!

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