Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Beautiful Day

This morning the boys played with Play-Doh.  Gavin was using his Playmobil knight to chop down the wall he made.

Austin decided my shoe was a hat.  He has been making lots of things 'hats' these days.  I don't really mind until he does it with his plate.

Of course Gavin had to upstage him so he put on my shoes and tried to walk in them.  Luckily, they were flats but he still looked silly since they are covered in sequins.

And, it's beautiful outside.  Last week we had snow and this week it's in the 60s!  The snow is almost all gone now but it is still very wet outside.  We played out on the deck for a while.  Long enough for Gavin to fall and put a hole in the knee of his best pair of jeans!

Then the boys played with their Duplos

Today we finished Theodore Roosevelt and started another book on George Washington.  This one reads much faster, we'll probably finish it tomorrow.

And we read this book about knights.

And this book about Mozart's first six years.  Yes, he has a biography focusing on only his first six years!  And he actually accomplished things by the time he was six.   

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