Saturday, February 12, 2011

Austin's First Haircut!!!

Before we get to the main post for today, here are a few pictures of the kids playing yesterday evening.

I found a couple puzzles last year that have labels for the things in the puzzle in French.  Gavin did this pirate one again this morning.

And now, Austin's first haircut!  We are lucky because we know Missy, who cuts our hair, so Austin wasn't nervous.  He sat right up in the seat all by himself and sat nice and still for her!  He did a great job!
Here are the before pictures.

I think we can agree that he did need a haircut.  Here he is sitting up in the seat ready to go.

And the first cuts!

This is the 'what-is-she-doing' look.

Missy left for a second to grab something and Austin thought it was over and took off his cape.

But, he wasn't quite done.  And, it was starting to get itchy!

Here's the finished product!

It's a little short in the back.  The problem with getting baby's hair cut is that then they don't look like a baby anymore which is sad...

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