Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Easter Bunny Has Arrived

We have had a busy day today! This morning we watched Irving Berlin's Easter Parade with Fred Astaire and Judy Garland. Gavin and Austin loved the scene where Fred Astaire was dancing in the toy shop! When we got home the boys spent some time outdoors with dad while I made some Easter sugar cookies with the cookie cutters the boys got from Grandpa Ben and Grandma Sue this week. Gavin was supposed to help me but once he went outside I couldn't get him to come back in. Both the boys were very excited to get to eat their bunny shaped cookies!

Then the boys colored Easter eggs. This was Austin's first experience dying eggs and he had a great time. The crazy child tried to drink the water in the cups a couple of times! Gross!

Austin was even able to lift the eggs out with his spoon. I didn't think he'd be able to for some reason! He dyed all his eggs and then started trying to re-dye them. I let him do a few then took the eggs away. Then he started using his spoon to mix the colors. Luckily by that point Gavin was making tie dye/speckled eggs so it all worked out!

Then the boys spent some time coloring. Austin really likes the pictures in his new coloring book but he's not too sure about actually coloring in the book. He tried for a few minutes. I'm trying to get the boys to color in coloring books so we don't go through so much paper. Gavin likes to make his own drawings so it hasn't gone super great...

And the Easter bunny has arrived! The eggs are out in the backyard (hopefully it doesn't rain tonight) and baskets are on the table waiting to be opened. The boys are both getting a bird feeder from Grandpa Ben and Grandma Sue this year. The bear is for Austin and the moose is for Gavin. Austin has a bunny that hides in a carrot, sidewalk chalk, a pinwheel, sunflower seeds, a fuzzy sheep and a rabbit hutch with a couple rabbits in it.

Yes, that's a Mizzou garden gnome in Gavin's basket! He's also getting cucumber seeds, a Cars paddleball, soccer candies and a little football game from a Wendy's happy meal. (I always ask for no toy or if they have something good I stick it in my purse while the kids aren't looking for presents later. So far Gavin has no idea that happy meals come with toys.) Both boys are getting a roll up chalkboard. That's what the soccer roll is in Gavin's basket. Austin's is blue and has jungle animals on it. When you unroll it there's a chalkboard and chalk. I thought they would be nice for in the car or at a restaurant.

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