Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our Week

I actually don't have any pictures to post today which is lame and I apologize.  We have taken this week off from birds and have just been getting back into the normal routine.  Austin had an ear infection but it seems much better today.  We did finish Mr. Popper's Penguins and we have started The Trumpet of the Swans.  I haven't read this book before although the author, E.B. White, wrote Charlotte's Web and is probably my favorite book ever.  I keep thinking I should read it to Gavin but I'm still saving it for now.

We also started a new poem for April.  It's long but Gavin really liked it, I just read some spring poems and this was the one he chose. 

Jonathan Bing Dances for Spring
by Beatrice Curtis Brown

Blow the fife and clarinet,
Let the band advance!
Mr. Bing will welcome Spring
With his festive dance!

Waking with the sunshine,
Starting out of sleep;
Flings away the blanket gray,
Makes a mighty leap-

Leaps upon the mantlepiece,
Bounces up again,
Turns about and dashes out
Through the windowpane:

All the neighbors' children
Clap and shout, "Hooray!"
When Mr. B, in highest glee
Comes prancing down the way.

Who can ever stop him?
Who so fast as Bing?
When hop and prance, he does his dance
To celebrate the Spring.

Hop! He's on a treetop.
Bump! He's on the tiles.
Bounce and vault and somersault,
He goes for miles and miles.

The motorcars are hooting;
The whistles all a-blow.
They holler, "Hi!" as Bing goes by,
"Say, where d'you think you go?"

The Lord Mayors of the city
In velvet cloak and chain
Appear in state, expostulate
With Bing - but all in vain.

"Away you foolish creatures!"
Cries happy Mr. Bing.
"With all this fun of flowers and sun,
Who wouldn't dance for Spring?"

We enjoyed the nice warm weekend and hope to enjoy more warm weather this week!  Chickadees have moved into the bird house we put out a couple weeks ago so we've gotten to watch Mrs. Chickadee flying in and out with moss and today while she was out we opened the side panel and looked inside to see the nice cozy nest she's built.  No eggs yet but we can't wait!

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