Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tons of Trucks

Here are some pictures of our little chickadee friend.

This afternoon after school we went to our annual favorite event (or at least Gavin's favorite annual event), Tons of Trucks.  Here he is getting into the fire rescue truck.  Austin did not want to get into most of the trucks so he watched his brother. 
Austin did go inside the swat vehicle for just a minute.  This would have been a cute picture if they were looking at the camera.

Gavin in the trash truck.

Austin loved the fish the conservation department brought.  He looked at them for a long time.

And, what Austin was most excited to see, the bus.  Austin calls all vehicles 'bus' and gets very excited every time he sees a real bus.  Today he finally got to look at and go inside a bus!

He also got into a boat.

And then it was back to the fish.

It took him a while, but Austin finally worked up the courage to touch the fish.  It was brief but he was happy!

Gavin always tries to put his arm around Austin's neck for pictures.  Austin does not like this at all.  They are sitting on the back of the FedEx truck.  Standard Delivery apparently according to the stickers they got.
And inside the hospital's RV.

Austin also loved the police car.  He climbed right up and made himself comfortable.

Of course, Gavin also loved the police car and made himself comfortable!

Strangely, the golf cart was very popular.

The only thing Austin wanted to get behind the steering wheel and drive...the golf cart.

That was our day!

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